Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Older Vehicles
1800's to 1980's

late 1880's horse drawn wagon

 photo courtesy Samuel Smith

1940 Plymouth

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1941 Chevrolet

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1946 Chevrolet

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1954 Chevrolet

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1955 Ford

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1956 Ford
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1950's Harley Davidson Motorcycles

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1950's Ford F5 Tow Truck

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1960 Ford Falcon

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1960 Ford Falcon

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1961 Stedebaker Larks

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1961 Stedebaker Lark

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The 1963 Ford Falcon shown below is a restored replica. 1960 was the only model year Ford Falcons used by the Phialdelphia Police.

1963 Ford Falcon restored replica
photo by rwcar4

1963 Ford Falcon restored replica
photo by rwcar4

1963 Ford Falcon restored replica
photo by rwcar4

1963 Ford Falcon restored replica
photo by rwcar4

1963 Ford Falcon restored replica
photo by rwcar4

1963 Ford Falcon restored replica
photo by rwcar4

1963 Ford Falcon restored replica
photo by rwcar4

1963 Ford Falcon restored replica
photo by rwcar4

1963 Ford Falcon restored replica
photo by rwcar4

late 1960's Chevrolet Pickup

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1968 Ford Custom

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1968 Ford Custom
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1973 and 1970 Plymouth Furys
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1972 Plymouth Fury
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1974 Plymouth Fury
photo by Ned Schwatz, from the book Dodge Plymouth, and Chrysler Police Cars 1979-1994 by Ed Sanow and John Bellah

1975 Plymouth Fury
photo by Ned Schwatz, from the book Dodge Plymouth, and Chrysler Police Cars 1979-1994 by Ed Sanow and John Bellah

1976 Plymouth Gran Fury

image courtesy a website visitor
late 1970's Jeep Cherokee
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late 1970's Chevrolet Blazer

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1970's GMC Bus
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1979 Chrysler Newport
photo by Greg Reynolds, sent in by a website visitor

1979 Chrysler Newport

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911 decal from 1980's

1981 Chrysler LeBaron
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early 1980's Chevrolet Impala
Highway Patrol

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1983 Ford Fairmont

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1983 Ford Fairmont

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Plymouth Horizon
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early 1980's Dodge Ram Van
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Plymouth Horizon
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1980 Dodge Ram Van
 photo by rwcar4

1980 Dodge Ram Van
 photo by rwcar4

1980 Dodge Ram Van
 photo by rwcar4

1980 Dodge Ram Van
 photo by rwcar4

1980 Dodge Ram Van
 photo by rwcar4

1980 Dodge Ram Van
 photo by rwcar4

1980 Dodge Ram Van
 photo by rwcar4

1980 Dodge Ram Van
 photo by rwcar4

1980 Dodge Ram Van
 photo courtesy Samuel Smith

1980 Dodge Ram Van
 photo courtesy Samuel Smith

1980 Dodge Ram Van restored
photo by rwcar4

1980 Dodge Ram Van restored
photo by rwcar4

1980 Dodge Ram Van

photo by rwcar4

1980 Dodge Ram Van restored
photo by rwcar4

1980 Dodge Ram Van restored
photo by rwcar4

1980 Dodge Ram Van

photo by rwcar4

1980 Dodge Ram Van restored
photo by rwcar4

1980 Dodge Ram Van restored
photo by rwcar4

1980 Dodge Ram Van

 photo by rwcar4

1980 Dodge Ram Van restored
photo by rwcar4

1980 Dodge Ram Van restored
photo by rwcar4

1984 Ford LTD Crown Victoria
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1980's Ford E-Series Van

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1980's Ford E-Series Van

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1980's Ford E-Series Van

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1985 Plymouth Gran Fury
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1985 Plymouth Gran Fury
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1985 Plymouth Gran Fury
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1980's Step Van unit L110 
photo by Sam Smith

1985 Ford F350 Stakebody unit K36
photo by rwcar4

1985 Ford F350 Stakebody unit K36
photo by rwcar4

1985 Ford F350 Stakebody unit K36
photo by rwcar4

1985 Ford F350 Stakebody unit K36
photo by rwcar4

1985 Ford F350 Stakebody unit K36
photo by rwcar4

1985 Ford F350 Stakebody unit K36
photo by rwcar4

1985 Ford F350 Stakebody unit K36
photo by rwcar4

1985 Ford F350 Stakebody unit K36
photo by rwcar4

1985 Ford F350 Stakebody unit K36
photo by rwcar4

1985 Ford F350 Stakebody unit K36
photo by rwcar4

1986 Ford Bronco unit 39T1 
photo by rwcar4
1986 Ford Bronco
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1986 Plymouth Gran Fury
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1988 Plymouth Gran Fury
detective unit
image courtesy a website visitor

1988 Plymouth Gran Fury
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1988 Plymouth Gran Fury
image courtesy a website visitor

1988 Plymouth Gran Furys
detective units
image courtesy a website visitor

1988 Plymouth Gran Fury
image courtesy a website visitor

1988 Plymouth Gran Fury

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1988 Plymouth Gran Fury
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1988 Plymouth Gran Fury

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1988 Plymouth Gran Fury
detective unit
photo by rwcar4

1988 Plymouth Gran Fury detective unit
photo by rwcar4
1990 Ford LTD Crown Victoria
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1990 Ford LTD Crown Victoria
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1990 Ford LTD Crown Victoria
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1990 Ford LTD Crown Victoria

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Lightbar rear view
used on units up to 1993 model year
