Province of Cordoba, Argentina Police
Each province in Argenina has its own police force, and there is also a federal police force. The provincial police is the local police agency, and each province is divided up into regions. The provincial police also have specialized units like the Comandode Accion Preventiva (CAP), which patrols high crime areas to deter and prevent crime.

Renault Clio Unidad Regional 2 (Region 2 Division)
image courtesy Carlos Guzman

Jeep Cherokee Unidad Regional 6 (Region 6 Division)
image courtesy Carlos Guzman

Renault 19 Unidad Regional 2 (Region 2 Division)
image courtesy Carlos Guzman

Fita Siena Unidad Regional 3 (Region 3 Division)
image courtesy Carlos Guzman

Bus Emergency Response Team
image courtesy Carlos Guzman

Bus Emergency Response Team
image courtesy Carlos Guzman

Bus Emergency Response Team
image courtesy Carlos Guzman

Chevrolet S-10 Pickup CAP (Comandode Accion Preventiva)
image courtesy Carlos Guzman

For Ranger Pickup CAP (Comandode Accion Preventiva)
image courtesy Carlos Guzman

Chevrolet S-10 Pickup CAP (Comandode Accion Preventiva)
image courtesy Carlos Guzman

Jeep Cherokee CAP (Comandode Accion Preventiva)
image courtesy Carlos Guzman

Toyota Hilux Pickup CAP (Comandode Accion Preventiva)
image courtesy Carlos Guzman

Chevrolet S-10 Pickup CAP (Comandode Accion Preventiva)
image courtesy Carlos Guzman